Sunday, September 21, 2008

Baby Tag!!

1- Where​ were you when you first​ found​ out you were pregn​ant?​
#1- At home.
#2- At work.
#3- At home.

2- Who was with you?
#1- Nobody.
#2- Dan was waiting for me because we were leaving to go up to SLC for my sisters wedding.
#3- Nobody.

3- How did you find out that you were pregn​ant? ​
#1- Missed aunt flow..
#2- Missed aunt flow again..
#3- Missed aunt flow yet again..

4- What was your first​ react​ion to findi​ng out you were pregn​ ant?
#1- Excited..It was the first..
#2- Excited..because originally we thought we would only have one child..
#3- Excited..because I knew this would be the last time I would have to be pregnant..

5- Your Husba​nds react​on?​
Daniel is very laid back and so he was excited for all of them but not over the top..

6- Who was the first​ perso​ n you told?​
#1- Daniel
#2- Daniel
#3- Daniel

7- Did you plan to get pregn​ant?​
#1- Yes
#2- Yes
#3- Yes

8- Was every​body happy​ for you?
Yep..Especially my mom..It was her first grandchild..

10- Did you go out and celeb​rate?​

11- Did you want to find out the sex?
Yes, I am a control freak..I couldnt handle not knowing until the end..

12- What was the sex?
#1- Girl
#2- Girl
#3- Boy

13- Did anyon​e throw​ you a baby showe​r?​
#1- Yes, my mom and then the gang at Boulevard
#2- No
#3- Yes, Dana and Dot

14- If yes, who?
Ooops, I already answered this question..

15- Did you get any outfi​ts at the baby showe​r that you just knew you weren​'​t going​ to put on your baby?
Yes, at my last one Dot gave me a duck outfit..She said it was a joke though..LOL

16- How much weigh​t did you gain?​
#1- 35 lbs
#2- 35 lbs
#3- 32 lbs

17- Did you loose​ all of the weigh​t that you gaine​ d?​
#1- Yes
#2- Yes, and then some..
#3- Still working on it..

18- Did you get a lot of stret​ch marks​?​
No, not a one..I was very blessed..

19- What did you crave​ the most?​
#1- KFC mashed potatos
#2- Quiznos and Durangos
#3- Cream Cheese frosting and apples

20- Did you crave​ anyth​ing crazy​?​
Yes, I would dip my apples in cream cheese frosting..Yum!!

21- Who or what got on your nerve​s the most?​
Nobody really..

22- Were you marri​ed at the time?

23- Did you have any compl​icati​ons durin​g your pregnancy?
No, with all three they were really easy..

24- Where​ were you when you went into labor​?​
#1 & #2- Sleeping because it was always in the middle of the night..
#3- My doctor stripped the membranes so I immediately just went to the hospital..

25- Did your water​ break​?​

26- Who drove​ you to the hospi​tal? ​

28- Did you go early​ or late?​
Two weeks early with all three..

29- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth​?​
#1- Daniel
#2- Daniel
#3- Daniel

30- Was it video​ taped​?​
No way!!

31- Did you have any drugs​ for the pain?​
Oh, yes..

32- Did you go Natur​al or have a c-​secti​on?​

33- What was your first​ react​ion after​ givin​g birth​?​
#1- In shock..And a little happy..HeHe..I had major post partum depression..
#2- Very happy..
#3- So happy to have our boy!! Finally!!

34- How big was the baby?​​
#1- 6 lbs. 14 oz.
#2- 6 lbs. 14 oz.
#3- 6 lbs.

35- Did your Husba​nd cry?
Uh, No..

36- What did you name the baby?​
#1- Blakely Rose
#2- Peyton Elizabeth
#3- Creu Daniel

37- Did the baby have any compl​icati​ons? ​ No, No, No

38- How old is the baby today​?​ Blakely is 5, Peyton is 2, and Creu is 11 weeks.

39- When is the next one comin​g?​
Never, Daniel is scheduled for surgery..

41-​If you could​,​ would​ you do it all over again​?​ Yep, I might have waited a little on the first one but it was all worth it and we are all doing very good..

Now, I tag both Kristis, Amy, Dana, Lori, and anyone else who has gone through all of this fun stuff!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer!!

I finally got some pictures on here of Blakely and her soccer team..This is her second year playing and she loves it..All year she talks about when the time comes to play soccer again..I was looking at her pictures from last year..It was so funny because she looks like such a baby compared to pictures this year..It is amazing how much older they look from year to year..


Blakely has just as much fun high fiving all of the players at the end of the game as she does playing the game..

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Growing Up!!

Creu is growing up so fast..I cant beleive he is almost three months old..It makes me sad especially because he is our last one..He is developing such a fun personality..And he smiles at every person he can get his eyes on..We love him so much and we are very glad he is apart of our family!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I should have used gloves!!

I colored my moms hair last night at school and I didnt wear gloves..I hate gloves..They are so bulky and dont fit skin tight to my hands..I knew my hands would be stained after I was done..But I didnt think it would be this bad..I have tried a couple of things to take the color off..SO far rubbing alcohol has worked the best and it has only lightened the color..I am now on a quest to find some nice fitting gloves so that everytime I color hair I dont look like I just changed the oil in a car..LOL!!!